Ways We Rest

I think we may all agree that there has been, more than ever lately, the need for rest. The need to breath deeply, the need to feel unencumbered by everything that swirls around us, the need to settle in at the end of our day and feel peace. 

We're not going to write about what you may be doing wrong or ways to improve your habits, nor are we going to list out everything that we've felt hurt by, overlooked, or worn down by the past....what year are we on? 

No, we're not going to do that. We've all seen the articles. They're unending. All we want to do is extend a virtual hug to you. A virtual seat at our table, if you will, and let you know that you are welcome here. You are welcome in our physical retail space and you are welcome in our cyber neighborhood. 

We are glad you're here. Below is a simple list that our team compiled. We're a tight-knit crew that does life together and when the world doesn't seem to offer a break we're always here to support each other. 

1. Nature heals.
2. Community matters.
3. It's okay to watch a movie or (do we dare say) binge a series.
4. Seeking the help you need is never a sign of weakness.
5. A long shower or bath really does clear the mind.

We hope in this week ahead you're able to prioritize mental and physical health. FaceTime your best friend, take a walk around the block, call a loved one. Know that we're rooting for you. 

In case you missed the hyperlink above, we've provided a link if you're in search of a therapist, psychologist or marriage counselor.  https://www.goodtherapy.org/

Glass jar of herbal soaking salts with three white bowls filled with raw plant material. One full of epsom salts, the other with yellow flowers petals. The background is a light grey and there are small chamomile flowers placed throughout the picture.