Our Standards

Did you know that there is very little regulation in the world of cosmetics? It's hard to believe, I know. While there is some fantastic momentum happening on a daily basis, an industry wide overhaul is still a distant hope. We are grateful to have leaders like Campaign for Safe Cosmetics and BeautyCounter's Counteract Coalition who have put boots on the ground educating and pushing for change with the backing of two U.S. Senators to close loopholes on existing regulation while adding in more legislation for increased consumer protection. 


As the founder of C&Co.®, I have a hard time understanding how products that come in contact with your largest organ are not regulated for safety. As a company, we strive to have your back as a consumer. We have done the research, we do not formulate with "sneaky ingredients," we rely on chemistry & microbiology for formulation and stability. We stand behind our brand 100%. We believe in our manufacturing process, our ingredient efficacy and believe that transparency from seed to source is essential for confidence within a manufacturing operation. We are fully committed to you, our clients, and hope that our mission of providing luxurious, non-toxic skincare products that are affordable to all is a mission that we can all get behind. 

Christi, Founder & Proprietor C&Co.® Handcrafted Skincare