Packaging + Changes for 2022

Have you ever wondered what percentage of glass, plastic, aluminum and paperboard packaging we use for our product line? Currently we house 43% of our products in glass, 35% in plastic, 15% in paperboard and 7% in aluminum.

When it comes to the plastics we source, 42% is PET (scrubs, deodorant, polish, hand sanitizer), 37% is LDPE (moisturizers) and 21% is PP (moisturizer stick and lip balm). These numbers do not include caps/pumps/misters which will be another post for another day.

While we prefer to not use plastics, for some of our products that is just not an option. Instead we are constantly evaluating our footprint on this earth and are working toward reducing it by moving an item or two to glass and possibly introducing a sugarcane polymer for our moisturizer tubes. We are also planning a move towards a biodegradable shrink wrap vs a recyclable one, which will be a win, win to say the least.

Keep an eye on things as we move into 2022 with much needed excitement for change to celebrate our big 10 year anniversary.