3 Tips for Glowing Summer Skin

Summer is just around the corner and many of us are looking forward to spending time outside tending to a garden, hiking on a trail or playing lawn games with friends and family. While summer can be such a glorious time for fun in the sun, it can also wreak havoc on your skin. To help you prepare for all the adventure ahead, here are our 3 tips for glowing summer skin.

1. Stay Hydrated

Did you know that dehydration can lead to dry, inflamed or dull skin? During the hot summer months it's crucial to stay hydrated both inside and out. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is essential to keeping your skin hydrated from within. If you are not a fan of plain water now is the perfect time to add in a few slices of organic strawberries or citrus for extra nutrients and a burst of fruit flavor.

For skin, it is important to incorporate a lightweight, hydrating moisturizer to your routine which will help to lock in essential moisture and prevent dryness. We recommend a product that provides emollients and ceramides for skin or that is formulated with lipids and humectants to draw moisture from the air pulling into skin while providing a barrier against moisture loss.

2. Protect Your Skin from the Sun

It is well known that overexposure to the sun's UV rays can cause damage to skin including premature aging, sunburn, and skin cancer. While we do need some exposure daily to convert cholesterol to vitamin D, it is best to practice sun safety between 10 AM and 4 PM with UV rays are the are the strongest. To protect your skin we recommend applying a broad-spectrum mineral sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher before heading outdoors. Reapply every two hours, especially if you are swimming or sweating. It can also be helpful to wear protective clothing, UV sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat for added protection.

When it comes to finding a decent mineral-based sunscreen that absorbs quickly, doesn’t leave a white cast and will not cause breakouts, we know that this search can feel daunting. Over the years we have tried many, many brands and have found Babo Botanials Daily Sheer SPF 40 to be the best on the market. The ingredients are clean, its formulation layers perfectly over any of our facial hydrators and it has become our go-to recommendation for daily use.

As a little pro tip, we have found that mineral sunscreen goes on best when applied as dots then blended for even coverage. We also like to order from their website for the freshest batch with the longest shelf life possible.

3. Adjust Your Skincare Routine

With the warmer summer temperatures on the rise, now it the time to adjust your routine for the seasonal changes ahead. To create a routine to help skin feel its absolute best, we recommend sticking with lightweight basics but keeping it consistent.

Even-more-so in the summer, a twice daily cleansing routine is essential for removing sunscreen, buildup and reducing potential breakouts. We recommend our Sweet Orange & Rosemary Cleansing Milk for this step as it is formulated to be a pH balanced bubbling cleanser that will cleanse skin thoroughly while providing a base layer of hydration for skin.

While it might be tempting to skip, your hydrator step is crucial for a balanced routine. Without consistent hydration skin will become deeply parched showing up as inflamed, sensitive or reactive skin. To prevent this from happening we recommend incorporating a lightweight serum or moisturizer consistently in your daily routine. These products are designed to help keep skin supple while providing nutrients to repair damage while providing a barrier again moisture loss.

The last must-have in your summer routine is consistent weekly exfoliation. This is vital as this step gently removes excess dead skin cells, buildup and debris. You can stick with our go-to Chamomile & Oats Clay Facial Mask as your weekly exfoliant or create a custom mask following our recommendations based on your skin needs week to week.